Ottosen DiNolfo Attorneys to Participate in the 78th Annual IAFPD Conference
The Illinois Association of Fire Protection Districts will host their annual conference on June 23-25, 2022 at the I-Hotel Conference Center in Champaign, Illinois. Presentations by our firm on Thursday, June 23rd will include the following:
What’s New With MABAS?
Presenter: Karl Ottosen 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Most fire protection districts now belong to MABAS. Trustees of fire protection districts, however, do not know much about the organization Karl Ottosen, of the Ottosen law firm and the legal counsel for MABAS will update attendees regarding new developments in the MABAS world as it continues to expand its activities both in and beyond the State of Illinois. He will cover MABAS issues and administrative matters that are of interest to fire protection districts which are members of the MABAS program.
IFPIF: Pension Investment Consolidation of Article 4 Pension Funds
Presenter: Shawn Flaherty 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
This program will discuss the introduction of the Illinois Firefighters Pension Investment Fund (IFPF) which began the consolation of local pension fund investments to a state level fund in 2021 the first part of 2022. A representative of IFPIF and an attorney experienced in pension fund matters will explain the consolidation process, problems to date, and IFPIF’s status currently, and future considerations. All pension fund trustees and district trustees with an Article 4 pension should plan to attend this session. A representative from IFPIF and Shawn Flaherty of the Ottosen law firm will be presenting the program.
Successful Consolidation
Presenter: John Motylinski 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 a.m.
Consolidation does not have to be a dirty word. Under various provisions of the Fire Protection District Act districts can undertake to consolidate in different ways that are beneficial to the districts. This program will focus on a particular consolidation effort by 2 districts which is being undertaken on a voluntary basis. Representatives of the districts involved and John Motylinski of the Ottosen law office will a real-world case study on a consolidation effort including considerations that districts should take into account when thinking about a consolidation.
Annual Pension Law Update
Presenter: Jim Wargo 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
The legal rules applicable to Article 4 pensions are continually changing as courts render decisions under the Pension Code and the Department of Insurance makes new regulations. This program will focus on changes in the last year which impact the administration of local pension funds taking into account the drastic change in the investment responsibilities of local pension fund boards under the now operating Illinois Firefighter Pension Investment Fund (IFPIF). Jim Wargo of the Ottosen law office will be the presenter for this program.
FOIA Gameshow
Presenter: Joe Miller 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Joe Miller of the Ottosen law firm will be conducting a repeat of a Freedom of Information Act gameshow that was a hit at the last Northern Alliance meeting. Because the program was so popular, Joe has been requested to repeat it at the IAFPD Conference. Come enjoy the show and learn about FOIA at the same time.
Joint Purchasing & Procurement Dilemmas
Presenter: Steve DiNolfo 2:45 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.
Fire protection districts continue to purchase new fire apparatus and fire equipment as additional funding sources have become available in some counties through federal COVID relief funds along with funding through the federal Assistance to Firefighters (AFG) grant program, the OSFM Small Equipment Grants, and the Fire Truck Revolving Loan program. Section 11k of the Fire Protection District Act as well as grant award contracts require careful attention to how fire apparatus and equipment are purchased with many districts utilizing joint purchasing programs instead of the usual seal bidding method generally required under Section 11k. Not all these programs necessarily qualify to meet the requirements of Section 11k. This program will discuss the types of programs which do qualify and what districts should take into account when considering making a purchase through a joint purchasing program. The program will also discuss problems which can arise in the procurement process regardless of the manner in which the purchase is made due to supply chain problems and price increases during the manufacture of apparatus. Topics such as contract terms, modification of contracts, delivery issues, and cost increases during manufacture will be some of the topics discussed.
Annual Open Forum
Karl Ottosen, Steve DiNolfo, Shawn Flaherty, Joe Miller, John Motylinski and Jim Wargo
5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Hosted by Jim Sinclair, IAFPD Legal Counsel, this perennial favorite will provide an opportunity for attendees to pose questions to experienced fire protection district attorneys. This program always generates significant interest and, sometimes, even some heat, as attorneys offer their opinions about hot topics in the fire service. Come enjoy the fireworks!