Title IX Final Rule

by Maureen A. Lemon

The U.S. Department of Education has recently unveiled the updated final regulations for Title IX. The Final Rule becomes effective August 1, 2024, and reinforces your school district’s obligation to safeguard against sex discrimination. Final Rule Summary.

Here are 2 key takeaways:

  • Enhanced Protections: The new regulations expand the protections against sex-based harassment while imposing new procedures to investigate and remedy non-sex-based discrimination in your education programs and activities.
  • Training: All school employees must receive training while your Title IX Coordinator(s) and Title IX team must receive additional targeted training.

Ottosen DiNolfo is prepared to provide expert guidance and training to navigate these changes effectively.


Schedule Your Training Now

For detailed information, training, policy updates and personalized assistance, contact Maureen Lemon at mlemon@ottosenlaw.com or Meganne Trela at mtrela@ottosenlaw.com or call us at 630.682.0085.